Return of the Sub Pop Singles Club 
Yup, the
Sub Pop Singles Club has been revived once again.
For those of us who were in on the first wave of the Singles Club, it was an exciting time indeed.
Sure, ya ended up with many useless 45s such as the Big Damn Crazyweight 7" that ya can't even get a buck for on eBay. (And don't even get me started on Big Chief.)
But many of those Singles Club records such as the Unsane and Rapeman 7"s were pretty fuckin' righteous.
Anyway, this round of subscription-only is limited to 1,500 copies of each 7". The club runs for twelve months only and will set you back $75, which ain't a bad deal at all.
The singles will also come with a coupon for digital download, which means some asshole will have already posted it on indietorrents before you even lay eyes on the vinyl.
Nine of the 12 bands have been announced: Om, Unnatural Helpers, Tyvek, Black Mountain, Black Lips, Arthur & Yu, Mika Miko, Blues Control and Notwist.
That leaves three bands up in the air. My guess is that at least one of those bands will be a huge name and their 7" will be worth the price of admission alone. I'm also guessing there'll be a bonus 7" of some sort, featuring one of Sub Pop's roster acts.