State of Delaware doesn't have enough money to clean up snow
Hope it doesn't snow anymore this season!
"As Delaware digs out of about a foot and a half of snow, state officials realized Monday they don't have enough money budgeted to pay for the cleanup.
The state has $3.2 million in its snow removal account. But it costs between $3.5 million and $4 million for every 8 inches of snow that falls, Delaware Department of Transportation Secretary Carolann Wicks said."
Read the article at
"As Delaware digs out of about a foot and a half of snow, state officials realized Monday they don't have enough money budgeted to pay for the cleanup.
The state has $3.2 million in its snow removal account. But it costs between $3.5 million and $4 million for every 8 inches of snow that falls, Delaware Department of Transportation Secretary Carolann Wicks said."
Read the article at
Public Image Ltd. "Public Image" reunion Dec. 15, 2009, Birmingham
john lydon,
public image,
sex pistols
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I have few heroes. John Lydon is one of them.
Big Black ... with live drummer 1986
big black,
mission of burma,
volcano suns
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From CBGB, 1986, with Peter Prescott (Mission of Burma, Volcano Suns) on drums (!)
Henry Rollins discusses Christmas spending
Black Flag,
henry rollins
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'Tis the season. Spend. Spend. Spend.
Maui staring and barking
This pretty much sums up Maui at his best.
First he stares you down. When that doesn't work, he starts barking.
And won't stop until he has your attention.
First he stares you down. When that doesn't work, he starts barking.
And won't stop until he has your attention.
Jawbox "Savory" on Jimmy Fallon
Here is Jawbox's reunion performance of "Savory" on Jimmy Fallon. I gotta say this is a really strong effort. They definitely picked the right song and their energy is awesome.
Cool to see a punk rock band get some mainstream props without it being a cheesy cash-in or going-through-the-motions affair. They did this to promote the reissue of "For Your Own Special Sweetheart."
These subsequent Web-only exclusive performances (from the rehearsal I believe?) are a little less powerful, but still quite good.
Cool to see a punk rock band get some mainstream props without it being a cheesy cash-in or going-through-the-motions affair. They did this to promote the reissue of "For Your Own Special Sweetheart."
These subsequent Web-only exclusive performances (from the rehearsal I believe?) are a little less powerful, but still quite good.
Henry Rollins on working out to Slayer
henry rollins,
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Good to know I am not the only one who listens to Slayer in the gym.
Caterpillar - "Wake Up, Pass Out"
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Here is Caterpillar performing "Wake Up, Pass Out" @ Mojo 13, Wilmington, DE, November 28, 2009.
Bill of Buffalo Tom on Prince guitar solo: It destroys
buffalo tom,
george harrison,
mark mulcahy,
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Un-pretentious break down of Prince's guitar solo on "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction. Written by Bill Janovitz of Buffalo Tom fame.
Cover of the Week: While My Guitar Gently Weeps
BTW, I LOVE Buffalo Tom's cover of "Butterflies" on the Mark Mulcahy tribute album.
Cover of the Week: While My Guitar Gently Weeps
BTW, I LOVE Buffalo Tom's cover of "Butterflies" on the Mark Mulcahy tribute album.
New Princess Superstar single: Life is but a Dream
princess superstar
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Awesome! There's a limited edition 7" (500 copies) that I think I will definitely be picking up. Plus new Princess Superstar LP in 2010. Spiffy!
The Stiffs reunion: Glad it happened
punk rock,
the stiffs
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When I was approached this summer by Scott Wasserman to see if The Stiffs would reform for a benefit show, I had a feeling it would turn out well.
Once every few years I'd listen back to The Stiffs' demo tape, "Dance of the Dead," and imagine what it would be like if we got back together. It turns out that all it took to make that happen was for someone to ask!
Everyone was keen on the idea and starting with the very first rehearsal back in July 2009, it has been an awesome journey.
The reunion for Rich, Rick, Kurt and myself hasn't really been about nostalgia or a walk down memory lane. It's been more about reconnecting on the bond we all shared playing punk rock as kids and growing up the punk scene as it evolved.
The reunion has been a great reminder of just how much fun it was to start your own band, write your own songs, make fliers and play out to your friends. It also made us all realize just how supportive a scene can be with long lost friends, fans and diehard scenesters coming out again to show their support for the Stiffs reunion.
Perhaps the most gratifying thing about The Stiffs reunion is not that people still remember us, but that people will still go out of their way to support their friends in their endeavors, no matter what they are. It is awesome to know that so many of the people we grew up with and played music with and for still have that punk rock spirit inside them.
How to be a deathcore vocalist
rotten tomatoes
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Brett Erlich of Current TV and The Rotten Tomatoes show gives his guide on how to be a deathcore vocalist.
Fatal shooting at Wilmington, DE liquor store
Comments: (7)
Update Jan. 8, 2010: Three suspects arrested.
From "A liquor store clerk shot and killed a suspected robber overnight in Wilmington, police said. Up to three men wearing masks entered the Favors Liquor Store on Walnut Street around 9:30 p.m. Guns were allegedly pointed at the clerk inside, and money was demanded.
Police said the 55-year-old clerk soon pulled out his own gun and started shooting. One suspect was hit, dropped his .22-caliber gun, stumbled 40 feet outside of the store and died. Police don't know if the clerk's gunfire might have struck the other hold-up men, who fled."
From "A liquor store clerk shot and killed a suspected robber overnight in Wilmington, police said. Up to three men wearing masks entered the Favors Liquor Store on Walnut Street around 9:30 p.m. Guns were allegedly pointed at the clerk inside, and money was demanded.
Police said the 55-year-old clerk soon pulled out his own gun and started shooting. One suspect was hit, dropped his .22-caliber gun, stumbled 40 feet outside of the store and died. Police don't know if the clerk's gunfire might have struck the other hold-up men, who fled."
Records that influenced my drumming
don caballero,
husker du,
Meat Puppets,
sex pistols,
Comments: (4)
Some of the key albums that I was listening to that influenced my style as a drummer.
In short, I listened to these records, mimicked what I heard and I became a drummer.
Check it out: Drumming influences: Flickr gallery
In short, I listened to these records, mimicked what I heard and I became a drummer.
Check it out: Drumming influences: Flickr gallery
Remembering the drumming style of Jerry Fuchs
jerry fuchs
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Few drummers can truly make a drum kit come to life and play the instrument the way it was meant to be played; Jerry Fuchs was one of those drummers.
Fuchs' style was reminiscent of the stripped down and driving beats of Led Zeppelin's John Bonham. Both drummers placed little value on flash, instead focusing on developing rock solid beats that propelled songs forward with definitive force. Fuchs used the high hat and snare drum to place subtle notes of emphasis within a song, a technique that most drummers (experienced and inexperienced) simply overlook. Fuchs had an uncanny dexterity with the kick drum that was certainly advanced, if not aerobic.
Watching Fuchs play, it was clear he had an inherent sense of rhythm. By all appearances steady tempos seemed to flow effortlessly from him as he played. But Fuchs' makes-it-look-easy style was clearly the sign of an accomplished musician who had spent years practicing and evolving as a musician to develop such a rock solid style. Fuchs' simplistic yet powerful style enabled him to play many types of music. Whether a song called for complex time signatures or a minimalistic elementary beat, or both, Fuchs had no problem playing with exacting precision.
In the indie rock scene, Fuchs was a well respected musician noted for his friendly interaction with fans and other like-minded musicians. Simply put, Jerry Fuchs was one of the best drummers to come along in indie rock in recent years. While the world at large will never know Fuchs' work, those fortunate to have heard and seen his work with The Martians, Koncak, Vineland, Turing Machine, !!!, The Juan Maclean, Maserati, et al. will vouch for his greatness. And rightly so.
Mike and Dennis sound check
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From Landsdowne Farmer's Market, Halloween 2009.
Just a quick 10 second clip ...
For all things Caterpillar ...
Just a quick 10 second clip ...
For all things Caterpillar ...
Devo "Jocko Homo" on SNL 1978
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This is easily my favorite live Devo performance. The mid-song costume change is just too awesome for words.
The Jesus Lizard on ABC News
Jesus Lizard,
punk rock
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Punk rock on a major network's "indie channel." Oh cool.
It's like 1993 all over again the major label grab at hipster credibility and attempt to monetize punk rock in the wake of Nirvana. Except this time on the Internet.
It's like 1993 all over again the major label grab at hipster credibility and attempt to monetize punk rock in the wake of Nirvana. Except this time on the Internet.
Growing your own food is punk rock
Here is Sid Ation (drummer of Rubella Ballet, Flux of Pink Indians) showing off his permaculture garden and all the food he grows and eats from his backyard.
Al Duvall, Wilmington, DE, Oct. 3, 2009
al duvall,
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Here's Al playing at 6th and Market in Wilmington as part of Wilmington's Fringe Festival.
Part 1 of 2:
Part 2 of 2:
Part 1 of 2:
Part 2 of 2:
Innarticulate book review: Quality Workday Distractions
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I'm quoted on the back of the book, so I certainly should have mustered more than three stars. However, "liked it" in this instance means that I very much appreciated the sharp wit and brief length of stories, articles and bits. This is a great bathroom companion reader, one that you can pick up, put down and get a chuckle as you do your business. And with my limited attention span and inability to sit still and read for even a moderate amount of time, I can truly appreciate the art of brevity. More than once I found myself thinking, I wish I had thought of that joke, which is a high complement coming from this curmudgeon of comedy.
View all my reviews >>
The Stiffs - Reunion Show full set (video)
Here's the full set from The Stiffs reunion show, Sept. 5, 2009 in Wilmington, DE.
In video #3 you will see some unruly slamdancers knock the camera out the videographer's hand.
I'm bored: Let me watch more Stiffs reunion video
In video #3 you will see some unruly slamdancers knock the camera out the videographer's hand.
I'm bored: Let me watch more Stiffs reunion video
Big news in Wilmington: Kahunaville volcano torn down (video)
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Guy operating wrecking machine looks as if he's torn down 1000's of volcanoes.
Bonus: Not-so-successful "Bring back Kahunaville" Facebook group
Bonus: Not-so-successful "Bring back Kahunaville" Facebook group
Faith or Fear bassist C.J. Jenkins dies of heart attack on stage
faith or fear,
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Neither Jenkins' band mates, nor the 100 or so people headbanging to the band's music Sunday afternoon at the outdoor festival knew at the time they were witnessing his last performance.
Jenkins, 50, collapsed around 2:45 p.m. as the popular local thrash-metal band performed under a tent on High Street, said the band's guitarist, Chris Bombeke."
-Read the full story on
-Screen caps of article: Page 1, Page 2
-Faith or Fear official site
The Stiffs - Reunion show video
Video from The Stiffs' reunion show
Sept. 5, 2009, Wilmington, DE
The Spot, Punk for Change 2009
"The Creeps"
Your Worst Nightmare covers:
"War Mad World," "11:55"
Sept. 5, 2009, Wilmington, DE
The Spot, Punk for Change 2009
"The Creeps"
Your Worst Nightmare covers:
"War Mad World," "11:55"
Punk for Change 2009: Where to grab a bite to eat/drink
Comments: (1)
There are several places to go to grab a bite to eat or something to drink that are nearby The Spot. If you are looking for a place to eat, your best bet is to either hit Presto or Wash St. Alehouse, venture into Trolley Square or head up to Concord Pike, where there are tons of fast food and restaurants.
Here are a few of my faves:
Downtown Wilmington:
Presto - Nice gourmet-type cafe with sandwiches, tapas, fruit shakes, coffee and fresh baked pastries. Relaxed environment w/ free wi-fi. They won't kick you out if you want to hang for a while. Next to Washington Street Alehouse, 1206 N Washington St., Wilmington.
Washington Street Ale House - Decent size bar with tons of TV, plus nice seated area. Food is pretty good for bar food, not stellar, but gets job done. Go here if you want to hang and drink. 1206 N. Washintgon St., Wilmington.
Mikimoto's - My least favorite of the trio of joints on Wash. St. Upscale sushi bar. Play bad techno music. Pricey. But if you are in mood for fresh sushi or seafood and you have some $$$ to plunk down, go for it. 1206 N. Washington St. Wilmington.
Tijuana Taco Shop - This is THE BEST mexican joint in town. Inexpensive, ultra fresh and super good. They have Twin Lakes Local 52 on tap, which is a great local brew. 1815 Lancaster Ave., Wilmington.
Logan House - Local bar that you can hang out at, get drunk and no one will get mad at you. 1701 Delaware Ave., Wilmington.
On 202 (Concord Pike):
Lucky's Coffee Shop - Retro-y kind of diner joint at former site of Ranch House on 202. Very good food, reasonably priced. Scraggly/hipster wait service. Fun place to go, kid friendly. 4003 Concord Pike, Wilmington.
Charcoal Pit - The best place for a 202 Wilmington hang. Killer triple thick milkshakes, char-burgers, char-dogs and fries. Go for ambiance and true N. Wilmington experience as much as the food. This is where all the DE punks used to hang out in the '80s. 2600 concord pike, Wilmington.
Five Guys - Also on 202, better burger than Charcoal Pit, but also way greasier. Fries are really good too. Be warned: A regular burger is actually two patties! I go for the mini-burger, which is only one. 2217 Concord Pike, Wilmington.
La Tolteca - Authentic Mexican joint. Food usually comes out fast, hot and fresh. You can get some decent margaritas here. 2209 Concord Pike, Wilmintgon.
Grotto Pizza - There's a Grotto on Pennsylvania avenue that has a full bar. People go there to watch games a lot, so be warned if you want to get your drink on, but are annoyed by drunken sports fans. And of course, the greasy ass pizza is good every once in a blue moon. 1819 Pennsylvania Ave., Wilmington.
Kreston Liquors - This is probably closest booze store in neighborhood that is reputable (i.e., you won't have to order/pay through a revolving bullet proof window). They close at 9:00 p.m. on Saturday evening. 904 Concord Ave.
Frank's Union Wine Mart - 1206 N. Union St. - Another non-sketchy booze store. Next to where Union Station was a million years ago. 1206 N. Union St., Wilmington.
There are also many shops on Market street heading out of the city (street numbers going up). I can't really recommend any of them.
Here are a few of my faves:
Downtown Wilmington:
Presto - Nice gourmet-type cafe with sandwiches, tapas, fruit shakes, coffee and fresh baked pastries. Relaxed environment w/ free wi-fi. They won't kick you out if you want to hang for a while. Next to Washington Street Alehouse, 1206 N Washington St., Wilmington.
Washington Street Ale House - Decent size bar with tons of TV, plus nice seated area. Food is pretty good for bar food, not stellar, but gets job done. Go here if you want to hang and drink. 1206 N. Washintgon St., Wilmington.
Mikimoto's - My least favorite of the trio of joints on Wash. St. Upscale sushi bar. Play bad techno music. Pricey. But if you are in mood for fresh sushi or seafood and you have some $$$ to plunk down, go for it. 1206 N. Washington St. Wilmington.
Tijuana Taco Shop - This is THE BEST mexican joint in town. Inexpensive, ultra fresh and super good. They have Twin Lakes Local 52 on tap, which is a great local brew. 1815 Lancaster Ave., Wilmington.
Logan House - Local bar that you can hang out at, get drunk and no one will get mad at you. 1701 Delaware Ave., Wilmington.
On 202 (Concord Pike):
Lucky's Coffee Shop - Retro-y kind of diner joint at former site of Ranch House on 202. Very good food, reasonably priced. Scraggly/hipster wait service. Fun place to go, kid friendly. 4003 Concord Pike, Wilmington.
Charcoal Pit - The best place for a 202 Wilmington hang. Killer triple thick milkshakes, char-burgers, char-dogs and fries. Go for ambiance and true N. Wilmington experience as much as the food. This is where all the DE punks used to hang out in the '80s. 2600 concord pike, Wilmington.
Five Guys - Also on 202, better burger than Charcoal Pit, but also way greasier. Fries are really good too. Be warned: A regular burger is actually two patties! I go for the mini-burger, which is only one. 2217 Concord Pike, Wilmington.
La Tolteca - Authentic Mexican joint. Food usually comes out fast, hot and fresh. You can get some decent margaritas here. 2209 Concord Pike, Wilmintgon.
Grotto Pizza - There's a Grotto on Pennsylvania avenue that has a full bar. People go there to watch games a lot, so be warned if you want to get your drink on, but are annoyed by drunken sports fans. And of course, the greasy ass pizza is good every once in a blue moon. 1819 Pennsylvania Ave., Wilmington.
Kreston Liquors - This is probably closest booze store in neighborhood that is reputable (i.e., you won't have to order/pay through a revolving bullet proof window). They close at 9:00 p.m. on Saturday evening. 904 Concord Ave.
Frank's Union Wine Mart - 1206 N. Union St. - Another non-sketchy booze store. Next to where Union Station was a million years ago. 1206 N. Union St., Wilmington.
There are also many shops on Market street heading out of the city (street numbers going up). I can't really recommend any of them.
The Stiffs 2009 photo shoot
Here are a few promo pics The Stiffs took at a recent rehearsal for the reunion show. We are playing Saturday, Sept. 5 in Wilmington DE at the Punk for Change 2009 show.
It's $10 at the door and benefits Faithful Friends, the animal rescue me, my wife and my dogs do pet therapy through.

-Photos by Tim Owen. Editing by Kelly Carter.
It's $10 at the door and benefits Faithful Friends, the animal rescue me, my wife and my dogs do pet therapy through.
-Photos by Tim Owen. Editing by Kelly Carter.
Michael Vick - Philadelphia Eagles union has changed my work world
michael vick
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I spent a good part of the day reading up on the latest Vick happenings. Here's what I wrote about today:
Michael Vick talks with no emotion (video) - The conspicuous absence of any recognizable signs of remorse are troubling.
Ways you can sound off about Michael Vick - Constructive methods to voice dissent over the Eagles-Vick union and how to help your local animal shelter.
Michael Vick Bytes for August 26: Pro Vick rally, $1.3M house purchase? Philly dog fighters get light sentences.
Man at Brew Ha Ha shows his junk to female workers (That's Nuts dept.)
brew ha ha,
that's nuts,
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While dressed in spandex bicycle shorts, police said a spandex clad man would ask female workers at Branmar Plaza's Brew Ha Ha how he looked.
During one incident, he allegedly exited the restroom with a hole in his shorts, exposing his genitalia. He was arrested on charges of harassment, lewdness and indecent exposure.
Police said the man was arrested in April 2009 for similar offenses.
Forgotten Cats fundraiser Wednesday, August 26 @ Grotto Pizza
Just print out this voucher and present when you order (dine-in and take-out only) and Grotto will donate 20% of your total bill to Forgotten Cats. Event takes place from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., August 26, 2009 only.
Animal cruelty on Family Guy
family guy
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Prime Time Emmys are Sept. 20th and here Stewie and Brian have a "little talk" about who Brian is voting for.
I can laugh at this because it's parody and not real ... unlike some other instances of animal cruelty. (Be warned: Silly and graphic cartoon violence.)
I can laugh at this because it's parody and not real ... unlike some other instances of animal cruelty. (Be warned: Silly and graphic cartoon violence.)
Stiffs 2nd reunion show likely Thanksgiving weekend; Your Worst Nightmare songs
your worst nightmare
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It's very likely to happen at this point -- Saturday, November 28, 2009.
More details as they are confirmed.
In other reunion news, The Stiffs have been playing a few Your Worst Nightmare songs at rehearsals.
Looks like we'll play a few at the reunion show(s). You can listen to a few of them on The Stiffs MySpace page.
As you may know, Rick, Rich and Kurt were in the original line up of YWN.
I was inspired to learn how to play drums after seeing them play. Their intense energy and unbridled enthusiasm really opened my mind to what was possible playing punk rock.
When YWN's original drummer Schleppy moved away, I ended up becoming drummer in the second lineup of YWN.
It's great to play these songs nearly 25 years after the fact. They are some of the very first songs I heard that inspired me to start playing music.
Joe Jack Talcum Philly show; Twin Atlas video
joe jack talcum,
mischief brew,
the twin atlas
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Been writing about music again lately for work, namely for Philly Edge. Few things I've written recently:
Joe Jack Talcum, Mischief Brew @ The Fire, Friday August 7 - Old school DIY rock and roll will never die. Especially in Philadelphia.
McG's pick: The Twin Atlas - Double Shot - Philly lite-psych popsters The Twin Atlas are at it again. Here's their aesthetically pleasing video for the new song, "Double Shot."
Old school slam dancing
slam dance,
youth brigade
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I believe this is from "Another State of Mind," which would make this footage from early '80s.
The song is "Violence" by Youth Brigade.
The song is "Violence" by Youth Brigade.
Badass monkey taunts Charlie Chaplin in 'The Circus'
charlie chaplin,
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This is the wonderfully awesome tightrope scene from Chaplin's 1928 film, "The Circus."
I was so grateful to stumble upon it on YouTube that I had to share with you:
I was so grateful to stumble upon it on YouTube that I had to share with you:
The Stiffs reunion show details
I don't have the exact time we'll play yet, but I'll let you know once I find out.
What: Punks for Change
Why: Benefit show for Faithful Friends and the Pit Stop (Pitbull rescue)
When: Sept. 5, 2009, 5:00 p.m.
Where: The Spot, 1908 Market St., Wilmington, DE, 19802
All Ages! BYOB! Plenty of space to tailgate!
$10 Donation
Band list so far:
Bad Luck 13 (Philly)
The Stiffs (Old school Wilmington punk)
Unyoung Heroes (Baltimore)
The Bullbuckers (Wilmington)
King Snake (West Chester)
Algernon Cadwallader (Philly)
The Dark Lords of Stonehurst (Philly)
Hard Response (Wilmington)
Dragons Never Tire (Newark)
Sponsored by:
Creep Records
PJ's Sports Bar and Grill (Aston, PA)
Olde City Tattoo
Go Home Productions: GHP Goes Bananas
Here's a great mashup of a band I love, The Dickies, along with The Banana Splits and a ton of other sampled stuff. Love GHP!
McG on Stiffs reunion
Rick still plays regularly with Tube Dutch and Kurt is playing with The Barons. Rich hasn't been behind the mic in a long time, but he's still got "entertainer" in his blood. And after nearly a decade of not playing, I'm rediscovering the joys of wailing away on the drums.
So far we've (re-) learned all the songs from our demo, "Dance of the Dead." We also have begun learning some other stuff that will hopefully be a pleasant surprise. The reunion show is Saturday, Sept. 5th in Wilmington, DE. More show details once they're confirmed.
The Stiffs reunion
My band from circa 1986-1987, The Stiffs, have reunited. We had our first rehearsal in late June.
It was a blast and we all had a great time laughing and catching up.

More details to come, but our reunion show is tentatively set for Sept. 5th in Wilmington, DE.
Check our obligatory MySpace page for all the tracks from the cassette, "Dance of the Dead," available to stream and d/l.
It was a blast and we all had a great time laughing and catching up.
More details to come, but our reunion show is tentatively set for Sept. 5th in Wilmington, DE.
Check our obligatory MySpace page for all the tracks from the cassette, "Dance of the Dead," available to stream and d/l.
Elvis Perkins in Dearland autographed 7"
Elvis Perkins in Dearland,
Comments: (0)
Autographed after their set on June 19, 2009 at World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, PA.
Here's my review of the show and video of the band autographing the record
Review: Elvis Perkins in Dearland, Philadelphia June 19, 2009
Elvis Perkins in Dearland,
Comments: (0)
(photo: Mike Webkist)
While Elvis Perkins is clearly a formidable performer on his own, he's all the more impressive when backed by his remarkably gifted band, Elvis Perkins in Dearland.
Throughout their 40-minute set for WXPN's Free at Noon concert series (archived here), band members often alternated instruments including organ, trombone and electric upright bass and harmonized vocals with expert proficiency.
Their drummer stepped out from behind the kit on two occasions, strapping on an over sized marching band drum and dancing merrily on the stage.
The kinetic interplay between the members of Elvis Perkins in Dearland is truly an artistic accomplishment. It's an intently focused group on stage and one that bonds with its audience on a personal level.
Many bands can play together well, but are they really connecting when they play, or just going through the motions?
The melancholic and moving lyrics and music that comes from Perkins' pen are clearly the catalyst here; but it's the live setting and skilled individuals that comprise Perkins' band that sets them apart from most.
There's a bittersweet joy in the music of Elvis Perkins in Dearland. I recommend you spend some time listening to it, because I believe it is something is exceptional.
Here is footage of the band signing some vinyl during a meet and greet after the show.
Elvis Perkins in Dearland meet and greet, Philadelphia from Dave McG on Vimeo.
Camera Obscura perform "French Navy" on Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
Camera Obscura,
Comments: (0)
I do not understand why talk show hosts slam down the album cover when announcing a band. Letterman did it the other night when Sonic Youth was on.
Watch Craig Ferguson do it when introducing Camera Obscura:
As for Camera Obscura, I like the band's retro apparel.
And their new album, "My Maudlin Career," is pretty spiffy.
Watch Craig Ferguson do it when introducing Camera Obscura:
As for Camera Obscura, I like the band's retro apparel.
And their new album, "My Maudlin Career," is pretty spiffy.
Dinosaur Jr. Daytrotter Session June 2009
dinosaur jr,
Led Zeppelin
Comments: (0)

Four performances exclusive to this session: Severed Lips, Repulsion, Crumble, Back to Your Heart.
I saw Dinosaur Jr. in May 2009 at the Chameleon Club in Lancaster, PA. After a painfully long problem with J's amps, they brought the rawk all loud and what not.
There was some insanely high Dinosaur Jr. "fan" who almost certainly was tripping balls, as the kids say.
He kept yelling between songs, "Dinosaur Jr. is the BEST BAND EVER!"
J seemed amused, but Lou was not. He pointed out that Led Zeppelin was "pretty good" and then gave the "fan" a big thumbs down.
A few moments later, an audience member turned around and clocked the "fan" for being so out of it and repeatedly bumping into him.
The "fan" deserved it.
Skate Jam, Sunday June 21 in Wilmington, DE
Comments: (0)

Skaters will be lining up to do tricks and show off their skills 12:00 Noon to 5:00 p.m.
I've been to one of these events before. It's pretty inspiring to see kids of all age getting out there and tearing things up.
The Wilmington Skate Project has raised nearly half of the necessary funds ($800,000) to build an honest to goodness free skateboarding facility in the city.
The group points out that "quality skateparks have many benefits for cities and communities including, increased tourism and detering crime."
Yeah, it gives kids something to do. Makes sense to me.
While I was an amateur skateboarder in college, it's rare that I'll dust off the deck these days.
Call it a lack of coordination or an unwillingness to risk a trip to the E.R. because I was the adult who tried to skate and ended up breaking his wrist.
Anyway, I just used a skateboard to get from point A to point B.
Unlike me, skaters who show up on Sunday to the Skate Jam are the real deal.
Mike Watt and the Missingmen, May 1, 2009, Lancaster PA
dinosaur jr,
mike watt,
SST Records
Comments: (0)
Here's video I took of Mike Watt and the Missingmen at the Chameleon Club in Lancaster, PA on May 1, 2009. Shot with a Flip Mino.
1 of 6 Mike Watt and the Missingmen, Lancaster, PA, May 1, 2009 from Dave McG on Vimeo.
2 of 6 Mike Watt and the Missingmen, Lancaster, PA, May 1, 2009 from Dave McG on Vimeo.
3 of 6 Mike Watt and the Missingmen, Lancaster, PA, May 1, 2009 from Dave McG on Vimeo.
4 of 6 Mike Watt and the Missingmen, Lancaster, PA, May 1, 2009 from Dave McG on Vimeo.
5 of 6 Mike Watt and the Missingmen, Lancaster, PA, May 1, 2009 from Dave McG on Vimeo.
6 of 6 Mike Watt and the Missingmen, Lancaster, PA, May 1, 2009 from Dave McG on Vimeo.
Review: Henry Rollins finally comes to Delaware
Black Flag,
henry rollins
Comments: (5)
Henry Rollins' show at the Grand Opera House in Wilmington, Delaware was another first for the first state:
It was Rollins' first ever performance in good ol' DE.

Rollins said as a kid he visited Rehoboth Beach with his mom and had good memories about Delaware.
His spoken word performance on June 7, 2009 was a great booking for the Grand in my opinion, although I was surprised the venue was only 2/3 full of Rollins fans.
Surely there are more than 1,200 Rollins fans in the DE/PA/NJ area.
Maybe it's the Rollins prejudice; there are many people who don't realize that Rollins has evolved into a superb story teller and those who even go as far to say Rollins ruined Black Flag.
Rollins remains right on the mark. His sets average two and a half hours of non-stop talking; a mini-odyssey of travel, cultural observation, politics and several personal anecdotes.
He remarked several times that he's hurtling towards fifty (he's 48.) But you wouldn't know it from his stamina and intensity. Rollins gives the audience their money's worth and approached storytelling and his life adventures with the unbridled enthusiasm of an 18-year old.
One of the highlights of the night included Rollins recounting his commencement speech at Sonoma College and interactions with the school's intellectual elite. You can read the whole speech on Henry's site.
During his two and a half hour set, it remains clear that Rollins continues to guided by the same intense, if not maniacal, work ethic of the early SST records crew; you can never work and perform hard enough.
Rollins has evolved into an insanely energetic storyteller and an entertaining performer.
He's funny, a self-made intellectual and is one of those people who actually tries to make the most of every day and every opportunity life hands him.
And I think that's pretty darn cool.
Go get some Rollins stuff from
It was Rollins' first ever performance in good ol' DE.

Rollins said as a kid he visited Rehoboth Beach with his mom and had good memories about Delaware.
His spoken word performance on June 7, 2009 was a great booking for the Grand in my opinion, although I was surprised the venue was only 2/3 full of Rollins fans.
Surely there are more than 1,200 Rollins fans in the DE/PA/NJ area.
Maybe it's the Rollins prejudice; there are many people who don't realize that Rollins has evolved into a superb story teller and those who even go as far to say Rollins ruined Black Flag.
Rollins remains right on the mark. His sets average two and a half hours of non-stop talking; a mini-odyssey of travel, cultural observation, politics and several personal anecdotes.
He remarked several times that he's hurtling towards fifty (he's 48.) But you wouldn't know it from his stamina and intensity. Rollins gives the audience their money's worth and approached storytelling and his life adventures with the unbridled enthusiasm of an 18-year old.
One of the highlights of the night included Rollins recounting his commencement speech at Sonoma College and interactions with the school's intellectual elite. You can read the whole speech on Henry's site.
During his two and a half hour set, it remains clear that Rollins continues to guided by the same intense, if not maniacal, work ethic of the early SST records crew; you can never work and perform hard enough.
Rollins has evolved into an insanely energetic storyteller and an entertaining performer.
He's funny, a self-made intellectual and is one of those people who actually tries to make the most of every day and every opportunity life hands him.
And I think that's pretty darn cool.
Go get some Rollins stuff from
Sonny Rollins Plus 4 LP
Clifford Brown,
Sonny Rollins,
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Found this at Farmer's Market earlier in 2009.
This is one of my favorite records that Clifford Brown plays on.
Probably the best record I have found so far this year while garage sale'ing and flea market'ing.
This is one of my favorite records that Clifford Brown plays on.
Probably the best record I have found so far this year while garage sale'ing and flea market'ing.
Stereolab's 'hiatus' announcement
Found their announcement that Stereolab is on hiatus. Nooooooooo!!!
Their site says they're working on yet another 'Switched On' comp of singles.
There's also talk of remastering the back catalog. I can only hope that some vinyl reissues will be part of that ... I have some gaps to fill in my collection.
Bummer since I had tickets to see their last show in U.S. in Solana Beach, CA in fall 2008, but had to cancel my vacation due to $$$ issues.
By my calculation that would have been the last U.S. show before the hiatus.
Philly Stair Climb '09 recap
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Breathe for Becky: Climb the Tower '09 flickr set (83 pics, 20 videos)
50 floors up: At the top of Bell Atlantic Tower (video) - This gives you an idea of what it was like at the top - over 400 climbers right after they walked up 50 flights of stairs
Mayor Michael Nutter: Climb the Tower 2009 speech (video)
Jen Katz: Climb the Tower 2009 speech (video) - My team captain speaks! She was the TOP fundraiser this year!
-I made it up all 50 floors in 19 mins, 12 secs (that's 6+ mins faster than last year)
-I did not pass out, vomit, or even lose my breath. In fact, I felt really good! Training paid off.
-My legs are very sore today! LOL.
-I surpassed my fund raising goal of $1,100.00
-I was the 3rd top fund raiser out of 400+ climbers
-My team Breathe for Becky was 2nd place in fund raising overall, raising nearly $4,000.00
-I couldn't have been this successful without all my friends, family and sponsors
Let me thank you one more time ...
Thanks, thanks, thanks for your support. You helped me exceed expectations in fund raising and helped me climb up 50 flights of stairs.
Dave and Team Breathe for Becky,
P.S. Here is the complete list my sponsors as of today:
Abernathy, Rebecca
Ardis, Bonnie
Astrero, Mary Ann
Bateman, Kelly
Bensel, Eric
Bolin, Louise
Bozzo, Thomas
Burgess, Heather
Burke, Melissa
Childers, Oakland
Colancecco, Patrice
Davies, Evan
Dickerson, Robert
Engle, Morgan
Erdody, Mark
Fontalbert, Lisa
Harbin, Lisa
Hart, Yvette
Hendrix, Les
Herdan, Allison
Hillyard, Audrey
Jaffe, Michele
Landers, Sean
Leal, Carolyn
Lenert, Michael
Levine, Adam & Logan
Lynch, Ingrid
Lyons, Jeffrey
Mack, Donna
Mah, Marsha
Mccabe, Katie
Mcgurgan, Anne
Mercer, Mark
Moss, Maureen & Tony
Obrien, Joe
Oliver, Jonathan
Patel, Shashikant
Peregoy, Bill
Roark, Taylor
Rohana, Meridith
Ruckelshaus, Jill
Stevens, Shannon
Sybert, John
Terry, Kirsten
Thompson, Thom
Tomko, David
Woolworth, Carol
Yokimcus, Deana
McG Stair Climb prep, last minute sponsors welcome
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I trained hard this past weekend for Philly Stair Climb, which is Saturday March 21.
I'll be climbing 50 floors (that's 1,088 steps) to help raise money for the American Lung Association.
There's still time to sponsor me if you haven't already.
Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far!
That's Katie, Bill, Mike, Yvette, Maureen, Sean, Kelly, Tom, Evan, Lisa F., Lisa H., Allison, Audrey, Michele, Carolyn, Donna, Joe, Jon, Jill and Kirsten.
You can see the latest total you've help me raise for American Lung Association here:
The weekend workout:
Friday and Saturday I did 123 floors total. On Sunday I really pushed it to see how far I could go. I did 146 floors!
When I do the climb this weekend, I'll only be doing 50 floors ... but as much training on a stair machine I do, there is no equivalent to walking up flight after flight of stairs.
Thanks again to everyone for their support! It is truly appreciated.
I'll be climbing 50 floors (that's 1,088 steps) to help raise money for the American Lung Association.
There's still time to sponsor me if you haven't already.
Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far!
That's Katie, Bill, Mike, Yvette, Maureen, Sean, Kelly, Tom, Evan, Lisa F., Lisa H., Allison, Audrey, Michele, Carolyn, Donna, Joe, Jon, Jill and Kirsten.
You can see the latest total you've help me raise for American Lung Association here:
The weekend workout:
Friday and Saturday I did 123 floors total. On Sunday I really pushed it to see how far I could go. I did 146 floors!
When I do the climb this weekend, I'll only be doing 50 floors ... but as much training on a stair machine I do, there is no equivalent to walking up flight after flight of stairs.
Thanks again to everyone for their support! It is truly appreciated.
Philly Stair Climb training recap
american lung association
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Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far in the Philadelphia Climb the Tower fundraiser:
Sean, Kelly, Tom, Evan, Lisa F., Lisa H., Allison, Audrey, Michele, Carolyn, Donna, Joe, Jon, Jill and Kirsten.
You've helped me raise over $300 for the American Lung Association!
Check out my page for the latest on how much I've raised:
McG's official Philly Stair Climb page
I did 105 floors on the stair machine at the YMCA last night.
Progressively increasing stamina for the stair climb -- it's in a week and a half.
I'll be posting pictures and video from the event here on facebook and on my team's page,
Money raised through the Philadelphia Climb the Tower event will help give hope to people living with asthma, emphysema, lung cancer and other lung diseases through community programs and research on lung disease.
The ALA confronts lung disease at the root level, educating kids about the dangers of smoking, playing an integral role shaping smoke- free legislation and even working to reduce air pollution.
Sean, Kelly, Tom, Evan, Lisa F., Lisa H., Allison, Audrey, Michele, Carolyn, Donna, Joe, Jon, Jill and Kirsten.
You've helped me raise over $300 for the American Lung Association!
Check out my page for the latest on how much I've raised:
McG's official Philly Stair Climb page
I did 105 floors on the stair machine at the YMCA last night.
Progressively increasing stamina for the stair climb -- it's in a week and a half.
I'll be posting pictures and video from the event here on facebook and on my team's page,
Money raised through the Philadelphia Climb the Tower event will help give hope to people living with asthma, emphysema, lung cancer and other lung diseases through community programs and research on lung disease.
The ALA confronts lung disease at the root level, educating kids about the dangers of smoking, playing an integral role shaping smoke- free legislation and even working to reduce air pollution.
I love this record: The Tanks - "Keep Breaking Down"

This Iowa-based trio makes loud and obnoxious rock that is reminiscent of AmRep-style sludge and the powerful pummel of Karp, Hammerhead and Unwound.
The Tanks also remind me of the unbridled rawk ethic of Last of the Juanitas, Federation X and the Wantage USA label.
It's refreshing to hear bands keeping up the tradition of '90s style wailing and who rock boldly and without apology.
Get the LP + CD from Scenester Credentials
The Tanks on MySpace
New Elliott Smith unreleased tracks surface
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I'm pretty sure this is a *new* set of demos and not part of the previous "Basement II" demos that leaked a few years back. - New Music: Elliott Smith - ‘I’ll Be Back’ (Beatles Cover)
The 17 demo tracks are tagged as "'Basement' Tapes Unfinished/Suppressed"
Included is a studio version of The Beatles' "I'll Be Back," which I hadn't previously heard.
Mia Zapata killer's sentence reimposed, will serve 37 year sentence
From Pitchfork: In 2004, a jury convicted Jesus Mezquia of killing The Gits lead singer Mia Zapata. A judge sentenced him to 37 years in prison.
In 2005, his sentence was thrown out due to a U.S. Supreme Court decision.
According to the Post-Intelligencer Mezquia returned to court last Thursday and asked the judge who originally sentenced him to reimpose his sentence.
His attorneys gave no reason for Mezquia's request, but he'll finally serve his 37 years.
The Gits movie trailer:
In 2005, his sentence was thrown out due to a U.S. Supreme Court decision.
According to the Post-Intelligencer Mezquia returned to court last Thursday and asked the judge who originally sentenced him to reimpose his sentence.
His attorneys gave no reason for Mezquia's request, but he'll finally serve his 37 years.
The Gits movie trailer:
Maui not impressed by snow fall
We got some snow here in Wilmington, DE yesterday and today.
Maui was not impressed by what little snow we actually did end up getting.
Maui not impressed by snow from Dave McG on Vimeo.
Maui was not impressed by what little snow we actually did end up getting.
Maui not impressed by snow from Dave McG on Vimeo. can't say Pissed Jeans, Fucked Up in concert preview
Site previews upcoming Pissed Jeans and Fucked Up concerts in Philly, but censors bands names.
Fucked Up I can see ... but Pissed Jeans? They really can't say Pissed?!
Crowd-pleasing punk in two different styles
Fucked Up I can see ... but Pissed Jeans? They really can't say Pissed?!
Crowd-pleasing punk in two different styles