F U Friday
When something makes me laugh out loud, it's usually really twisted, something dark or just something that is insanely funny. This story is all three:
Hi, My Name is Jeff and I Sometimes Smell Like Poop
Jonathan A. Zdziarski conducted an interesting experiment to test the theory that file-sharing benefits the music industry.
Jonathan's impressive and not-boring report on file-sharing
Listen up. Loo and Placido have done some interesting bootlegs. They have a couple of tracks you can download as well as some demos that you can stream. My favorite was:
MP3: Loo and Placido - "Get Your Green On"
Which mixes Green Day's "Stuck With Me" and Missy Elliott's "Get Your Freak On."
The result sounds kinda like The Bellrays.
First there was dirty dancing. But dirty dining? That's just gross.
Fave dirty dining quote: "After eating at this McDonalds in Erwin, Tenn., last March, one hundred people became violently ill. Some ended up in the hospital, dehydrated and even hallucinating."
Can you imagine tripping after eating chicken McNuggets?
That would freak me out.
Sometimes you get lucky on the Internet and stumble across great blogs such as Blogjam.
Other times people tell you about funny blogs such as Tard-Blog where special education teachers blow off steam.
Through Tard-Blog I found Stokie Jaye's Slow Children at Play which recounts his experience working in a group home for emotionally disturbed boys for the past decade.
Through Slow Children at Play I found Tucker Max's Web Site. This guy sounds like a real a-hole. He's got a lot of cool sites linked on his page though.
Oh, and the reason I called this "F U Friday" (other than I'm running low on ideas on what to call my posts) is that I work on the weekends.
So on Fridays I always hear people say, "...well, at least it's Friday!" and for me it isn't. I feel like saying to them ...
Well, you get the idea.
Have a good friggin' weekend.
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