I watched "Mayor of the Sunset Strip," which is a documentary about the life and lifestyle of legendary KROQ DJ Rodney Bingenheimer.
The film leaves one with the impression that after 30 years, Rodney has become marginalized with his show moved to a Sunday midnight to 3:00 a.m. slot.
Indeed, the days of DJs on commerical are long gone - something that is completely regrettable.
That's why I've turned to Internet radio and listening to independent and freeform stations such as WFMU and DJs such as Mike Lupica and Terre T, who have a genuine passion for new music and try and turn listeners onto new sounds.
Hopefully satellite radio will help reinvigorate the radio medium and bring back the kind of DJs who actually have personalities, are willing to break new artists and are in it for the love of music and not just a corporate lackey playing pre-programmed playlists and being a slave to the man.
On DVD: "Mayor of the Sunset Strip"
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