Not my day yesterday
Yesterday wasn't a good day for me. I woke up feeling fine, but it didn't take long for a dark cloud full of depression and the blues to form and follow me around like a puppy chases after it's owner.
That said, I made the best of it. I tried watching Jim Jarmusch's latest film, "Coffee and Cigarettes" and had to turn it off about 40 minutes through.
I haven't seen a film so awful that I had to bail midway since I tried watching that shameful piece of celluloid, "How High" starring Redman and Method Man as two cheebah-huffing bros trying to make it at Harvard.
Hard to believe those jokers had a TV show on Fox. It was called "Method and Red" and followed the adventures of Redman and Method Man as the rap moguls move into an upscale gated community.
Oddly enough the direct link to the show on Fox's site is no longer working. Nice!
Then Kelly and I were watching disc 3 of "Freaks and Geeks" and at one of the episode's climactic scene, the DVD started skipping. Despite many attempts to fast-forward or skip over the bad chunk, digital hell ensued and we couldn't watch the end.
Reminds me of the time I went to see "Sling Blade" and the projector bulb broke five minutes before the film's end. As everyone filed out of the theater to get a refund, one of the ushers took it upon himself to blurt out the ending. Nice!
Anyway, I guess all this huffing and puffing about what a bad day I had doesn't really mean anything given the plight millions are facing overseas. But, that's what makes America what it is: its citizens have a tremendous ability to whine bitch and moan about how awful their lives are, when in fact, they aren't really that bad.
I'm hoping to get to review some new CDs soon. Just need to carve out the listening time and all.
I got another comment saying I should post some more John Peel shows. I'll work on that as well. I have the bandwidth available. It's just a matter of FTP'ing them to the site. Maybe this week?!
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