Ended up having a three-day weekend and being stranded at home yesterday because of car troubles.
I'm back in the game today.
Big night tonight - American Idol, which I have to watch it for work.
I have to admit, it's kind of fun to watch all the bad performances and then ridicule them.
Some of the fan mail I get from irate readers is great. For example:
I have read page after page of your inane blather regarding this year's American Idol contest, and I have come to the conclusion that Belleview is short an inmate.
Why do you need to be so cruel in your column about the "American Idol"
contestants? Are you trying to be funny? Your comments are cruel and
hateful...maybe you're just jealous that you don't have the talent to
compete (and are probably too old)?
I'm listening to Mike Lupica's Hip Transistor on WFMU right now.
I love listening to the radio online.
I really miss John Peel and hearing all sorts of new bands and older bands that I'd never heard of.
The band is a heavy metal duo in the vein of early '80s California metal.
The abbreviated format is perfect for the band, as anymore than a handful of songs by indie kids playing metal riffs might become tedious (with the exception being The Fucking Champs).
Two of the songs really cook, and one of them, "Death is the Answer to My Prayers," is kind of so-so.
The band seems to have everything going for it right now: An opening slot on the Mastodon / Burning Brides tour and an already much-hyped full-length due on Matador later this year.
MP3: Early Man - "Fight"
Just got the Early Man ep myself in the uk and was writing a piece.Thought i would google it quick and found your article. Early Man are fantastic. I liked the Sabbathness of Death is the Answer to My Prayers and posted that, but put a little linky in to your piece too.
Wish they on American Idol.
Hello all the way from Brighton, England!
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