McG on books 
I've bought quite a few books lately for my upcoming getaway. Plus I've been reading two books that have captured my fancy.
An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, and True Stories
" edited by Ivan Brunetti is a well-assembled collection of the best off-the-beaten-path comic artists and illustrators. All the usual suspects such as Chris Ware, R. Crumb, Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez and Daniel Clowes are here as well as several lesser-known folks such as John Porcellino, Mark Beyer and Richard McGuire.
I'm about 50 pages into "
So What: The Life of Miles Davis
" and think it's pretty right on. It seems well researched, the writing is more factual than presumptuous and it's a compelling story. I'm only up to the beginning of Miles' career, but it's already a captivating read. It's matching my recent delving into Miles' music with "Sketches of Spain," "Blue Note Vol. 3 10,"" "Blue Haze" and "In a Silent Way"
Also picked up a contradictory lot of the serene and the insane:
Tommy Chong - The I Chong: Meditations from the Joint
Allan MacDonell - Prisoner of X: 20 Years in the Hole at Hustler Magazine
Answer Me - The First Three
Paramahansa Yogananda - Inner Peace
Shannon Duncan - Present Moment Awareness
Thich Nhat Hanh - Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames
It's tough for me to sit down, relax and really get into a book these days ... but I'm trying.
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