Weakend wrap up
This is some weekend I'm having. Fell asleep at 7:00 p.m. on Friday night.
Yesterday I saw my chiropractor/oesteopath and had work done on my sinuses, etc. He said my immune system was out of whack and my lymph nodes were swollen. No surprises there. I go back in two weeks.
Watched a semi-crappy movie last night, "It's All About Love" and just minutes before the end, the DVD crapped out and wouldn't play.
Reminds me of the time I saw "Sling Blade" in the theater and the projector bulb burned out five minutes before end of movie.
Then one of the movie "ushers" blurted out the ending, so no one would be wondering what happened.
Was watching "48 Hours" with Kelly last night and she fell asleep half way through. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
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