Yesterday I went to the Ft. Washington Barbershop in Ft. Washington, PA. When I worked at CDNOW, I would stop by the shop and have Geno cut my hair.
Geno is a cool dude. He is 65, came to the USA from Italy when he was in his teens and went to barber school. He worked for a shop for a while and in his mid-20s he opened his own shop. He's been cutting hair ever since.
We had a good chat, talked about how we are both flying to Florida next month to go to weddings, getting old and other miscellaneous barber chit chat.
Another crappy DVD rental
One of the DVDs I rented up "13 Going On 30."
This film exceeded my dumb flick expectations.
Essentially it's a rehash of "Big." Or so my girlfriend tells me. I've never even seen "Big."
Despite its attempt to be teen-friendly, "13 Going On 30" has a bunch of mixed messages about how a woman can manange her professionally career poorly and get away with it.
What I learned from the "13 Going on 30":
1. It's OK to sleep with someone else's husband.
Just don't get caught.
2. Get people you don't like fired.
It moves you up the corporate ladder.
3. Betray the company you work for.
You can get a better job at another company anyway.
4. Stab co-workers in the back.
Not sure why it's OK to do this. It's fun?
The most important lesson of "13 Going on 30" is that no matter how deep the doo-doo (it's a PG-13 flick) you create, it's easily remedied by wishing away all your problems with the snap of a finger and some wishing dust.
This movie is an utter piece of crap.
Late sleeper
This morning I slept in until 3:15 a.m.
My morning ritual: Music, energy drinks and problem solving
I had a Rockstar Energy Drink and got into work and immediately started having technical problems that not even an energy drink could help me solve.
Eventually I found a way around the problem. It's rare that I can actually ever solve a problem. I just find some way to circumvent the obstacle and usually go around. Some things you just can't fix. Like my big head.
Where have all the good sites gone?
Another fave site of mine, bugmenot, has bitten the dust. It was a great resouce for passwords and registration info. For instance, if you wanted to read something from the New York Times and needed a password/user id, you could get one from without having to register to the site. Oh well.
I used to be punk
I listened to the current Maximum RocknRoll radio show which has a playlist you can check out.
They played some really awesome old school U.S. hardcore and Euro and South American stuff. The amateur banter in between sets is just icing on the punk cake.
I think the current incarnation of MRR is the best its ever been. They've gotten away from the strictly hardcore mindset the mag seemed stuck in during the mid '90s. Now it's more of a blend of American underground stuff and a good overview of European and Japanese punk. I buy the magazine every month!
Props to a co-worker
My co-worker, Bob Bankard, wrote a funny column about
a crazy chick who wants to get married.
Oh NOOOO, I gotta have Bugmenot! Make it come back Dave.
You can post as anonymous, it took me awhile to figure that out too.
Oh Dave -- you have a typo in your banner. You need an "Edior" yourself I guess... :-P
ARGH! that was me again, being annoying. - Edith
Edith are you Dave's girlfriend?
Do you like reading the boring intricasies of Dave's life as much as I do?
Pretty bad when an editor mispells editor.
Dave the ladies want to see your new haircut.
Post a photo.
Yes, Anonymous, I am Dave's girlfriend. NOT!!! ha ha. Never met him, I'm just an annoying Bloglines addict and wannabe proofreader. We're kinda webpals, there's a music connection but as far as I can remember I've never met him in person. Have I Dave? Please forgive me and remind me if I have. -Edith
I would have to agree with your assessment of 13 going on 30. Utter shite. Good call.
Wow, all these crazy anonymoussizz are scaring me. From now on if I want to annoy you again I'll use my old Blogger profile, ok? ok.
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