Feedback is rare, but when I receive it, its usually negative and has tones of hostility and is usually topped off with a nice insult.
I've understand what Howard Stern says about his recently launched bulletin board on He built a place where interested people could meet up in a forum and share ideas. Most people go there to insult people and express a lot of "negatism." (That's a word invented by O.J. Simpson.)
There's something removed about the Internet that allows people to feel they can unleash harsher sentiments than they would when talking to someone face to face.
Oh Dave... you don't know how much I heard that! Same thing over here, except I'm very lucky that my comments/e-mails are lot more positive-sounding than negative. But I still get trolled, and it still bothers me just as much as it always did. After all these years you'd think I'd be able to deal with it a little better but it's just too easy to fall into the anger-trap. They want to push your buttons, and they do. Who knows why? Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.
One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of folks who want to leave positive feedback might feel a little impeded by the Blogger interface for posting. I only just now realized that I could leave comments anonymously... I do have an ancient Blogger account but since it's inactive, I don't want to use that as my online identity. Just something to consider when weighing the good vs. bad... a real troll might be a lot more motivated to dig in and find a way to get ahold of you. I know, you're probably talking not just about comments but e-mails too... same thing applies though: a good-natured person might read your post and say "good for him!" and move along, whereas a troll would do almost anything to fuck with your head however he or she can.
Just take a deep breath and realize the truth: you have a strong identity in the world of good people who care about music and stuff. You better believe they're all rooting for you, even if you're not hearing it out loud. So just do your thing and don't worry about the inevitable assholes -- easier said than done I know, oh boy do I know. ha ha. (Sorry this was such a frickin' novel of a comment!! Longer than your post, sorry.)
Thanks Edith. That was exactly what I needed to hear.
Boo-fucking-hoo! The guy who worships Stern is throwing a hissy fit and has to have his girlfriend leave a message on his blog!!! Stern pokes fun of everybody, but once it happens to poor whittle Dave he has to cry--I guess Dave thinks it's only funny when it happens to someone else. Whatsa matter McGurk, you big baby.
Another stellar contribution to the scene Fravel. Good job.
What 'scene'? You need to get out of Delaware, it's making you weird. See'ya cat man (sniffle snort). You should update your dogs blog, it's soooo fascinating.
How much $ did you get in the pledge drive for a new PC? GET A JOB.
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