I love spicy food. Mexican, Indian and chicken tenders doused in hot sauce. Habanero, Scotch Peppers and Jalapenos. I love them all. The more insanely hot, the better!
So when I heard caller Wayne Perry on the Howard Stern Show mention a sinus spray made with capsaicin pepper that he developed called Sinus Buster, I had to try it.
The thought of spraying a pepper-based nose spray may seem extreme. To me, it seems pretty logical.
Whenever you eat a lot of spicy food, what happens?
Your sinuses clear out immediately. It's good stuff.
I think spicy food's ability to clear me out drives my love for spicy foods and extreme hot sauces.
After years of chronic sinus infections, ongoing pansinusitus (infection of all sinuses) and one uncomfortable (and very bloody) surgery, I decided to order some of the Sinus Buster nose spray for myself.
Bottom line is it works for me and does offer some relief.
Yes, it does sting when you spray it in your nose. I don't mind that. In fact, I kind of enjoy it.
If you like the bite of spicy food, then you can handle Sinus Buster's momentary stinging no problem. And if even if you're squeamish about any possible discomfort, over time you become accustomed to using Sinus Buster. Any discomfort is offset by the relief from congestion it offers.
What Sinus Buster does for me is help keep my sinuses and nasal passages open enough to get me through the day.
It's been four and a half months since I wrote my Sinus Buster testimonial and I wanted to give you an update. Aside from one cold and some lingering sinus infection as a result, I have been symptom free this summer.
I have found that I actually use Sinus Buster less than I did when I began. However, I do rely on it to keep my nasal passages clear and moist if I am exposed to a lot of dust or allergens. Sinus Buster continues to be effective at immediately helping my body clear out any congestion or mucus in my nasal and sinus passages.
Sinus Buster lives up to its many claims when it comes to offering sinus relief and it is free of any side-effects.
Sinus Buster now offers "metered dose formula" bottle.
I recently had the opportunity to try out Sinus Buster's new bottle and delivery mechanism, which they are calling their "metered dose formula."
I think this is the best packaging and delivery mechanism that Sinus Buster has offered. The stream is more concise and direct and it is very easy to direct exactly where the spray goes.
Their traditional spray bottle (which is much like a saline nasal spray bottle) works well, but I prefer the new metered dose formula.
As for the metered dose itself, the dose size is somewhat irrelevant.
Overall, sometimes I find that one spray of Sinus Buster does the trick, while sometimes two or three sprays are needed if I'm especially congested or battling a cold or sinus infection.
I think what is important about the metered dose formula bottle is how you can control and direct the spray of Sinus Buster.
I haven't had to use Sinus Buster in a while as my allergies and chronic sinusitus are in check.
One tip I do have for people with allergies and sinus issues is to keep your nasal passages moist. Use a neti pot at least once a day.
You can also take vaseline and apply a small amount to your finger and put it inside your nose and spread it around. Sounds gross, but it works great during the winter and dry season.
Also, get a humidifier for the bedroom and keep it at 50% humidity.
After being symptom-free of any sinus infections for a year, I have another sinus infection!
I ordered some of Sinus Buster's new products and will keep you posted on my experiences using Sinus Buster.
I've been through two rounds of Ketek, which seemed to help a bit. Also got some anti-bacterial compound mixed with saline that I'm using for nasal irrigation after using the neti pot.
Other allergy remedies
Of course, I use it in conjunction with Flonase and Astelin nose sprays, Allegra, Profen Forte and three allergy shots a week. If I don't take all of these medicines every day, I don't breathe.
Anyway, if you like spicy food and hate sinus congestion, try Sinus Buster. It's pretty good.
Sinus buster also claims to help with cluster and migraine headaches as well as act as a tool to fight off allergens. While I can't vouch for any of that, it's worth giving it a try as they fill orders quickly and even offer a 100% money back guarantee if you don't like the product.
It works for me too, and I am ordering some more for family and friends. pcolajoe
Oh, I should add that I had cronic sinus for years, and have concentrated on building up my immune system after antibiotics last year made me deathly sick. I seldom get sick now since I added 4 tablespoons of brewers yeast to my cerale. Rick in natural vitamens and minerals and may have beta glucan in it naturally. Then, after 8 months, I got sick again, and started searching for something to help my sinus. I just tried sinus buster as I was recovering, and it really worked. I am going to continue to use it twice a day as a preventive. I have never breathed so well as I do now. pcolajoe Joe
I have read your testimony and feel your pain. I too have dealt with a lifetime of sinus/ allergy issues. When you are young, the doctors think you will grow out of it. I am know 33 and it still kills me that I have chronic sinusitis any time the weather changes. I hope my baby girl doesn't inherit this problem gene.
I am going back to order some Sinus Buster, as I just read about it in a gardening magazine.
I love to grow habs and cayenne, but hardly give away the habs...Too hot!!!
Thanks, Jason
I got my order of Sinus Buster a couple of days ago. Just one spray in each nostril stuffs me up completely. I've done it three times in the past three days, thinking that maybe there's some adjustment period for it to start working, but so far, it doesn't seem like the solution for me.
I have been battling severe sinus pressure headaches for years. I had sinus surgery a year ago and thought my problems would be over...only temporarily...
My life has been put on hold over the past 4 months because my pressure headaches that I have had consistenly 24/7 would become so severe I couldn't get out of bed some mornings .
The allergy shots mega doses of antibiotics, oral steroids and every other prescription medicine used to treat this condition did nothing to relieve my symtoms.
A few days ago I recieved my Miricle in a bottle and got my life back. Sinus Buster relieved my headache instantly!!!!
Goodbye ENT specialist!
Carrie Carmichael
Nice! Nice site! Good resources here. I will bookmark!
I see first time your site guys. I like you :)
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
My poor little 95-yr old mom has extreme nasal blockage cue to nasal polyps. Dr. says if daily use of Nasacort doesnt shrink them, she'll need surgery. Nasacort gives her terrible nosebleeds (with big blood clots), so she feels she must stay home all the time. Ads I've read seem to be press releases by the guy who sells the stuff. But I'll try ANYTHING. Will let you know how it works. I like your website. Thank you.
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