I just finished reading, "The Dirt," by Motley Crue. I hate the band and their music is atrocious, but I have to hand it to them - they wrote an entertaining book. Well, at least 2/3 of a great book.
So here's my Motley Crue book report.
The members of Motley Crue got together in L.A. in the early '80s after playing in miscellaneous bands.
1. They had sex with lots of women.
2. They took lots of drugs.
3. They drank lots and lots of alcohol.
4. They fought with each other all the time.
Then Vince Neil killed his friend while drunk driving. Later Tommy Lee ended up in prison for six months for beating his wife, Pamela Anderson. Nikki Sixx overdosed and nearly died.
Perhaps the most interesting member of Motley Crue is Mick Mars. Mars remained out of the spotlight due to his grotesque ugliness, but he still managed to get his fair share of babes.
Towards the last 1/3 of the book, the narrative of over-the-top partying and bickering between band members takes back seat to Vince Neil's moralizing and Tommy Lee's pathetic love letters from jail to Pamela Anderson and his even more pathetic transformation into a rapper.
Overall I would give this book a solid B. It is funny, pathetic and amusing all at once.
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