Since I finished the Motley Crue book, I am getting a chance to read some of the other books I have bought recently...
I enjoyed Ben Snakepit's "Snakepit Anthology III" which chronicles Ben's everyday life. In a nutshell, Ben goes to work, goes and sees a band and then hooks up with a cute chick or gets drunk and/or stoned with his friends. While its repetitive at times, overall Ben's comics are enjoyable and amusing.
Read more about Ben Snakepit and his comics, or you can go to Microcosm Publishing and pick up a copy of "Snakepit Anthology III" for yourself.
I started reading "Ruining it For Everybody" by Jim Knipfel.
So far it's pretty good with Knipfel recounting his college days as an anything-goes misanthrope who goes about pissing off everyone on the entire campus.
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