MP3: Soundhog - "Work it Out" - One of the best mash ups I've heard in a while. Combine Beyonce with Mogwai doing a classic Sabbath cover and this what you get. Way to go Soundhog.
MP3: Abstrackt Keal Agram Hell Mix - A full-length mix from the Gooom label. Check out the impressive track listing, then grab the cover art.
MP3: Floor - "Scimitar" - Dense heavy rock from Floor's 2002 debut album. I've heard a lot about this band, but am just getting into them. Wow! Was I knocked over by this song. Unfortunately, it's only an 80kbps MP3, but you'll get the idea. Then you may even order the record from No Idea Records, like I did.
MP3: The Spits - "Spit Me Out"
MP3: The Spits - "Don't Shoot" - Two tracks from this awesome band. Borderline retarded Ramones bop with twisted Devo-esque sensibilities. Haven't seen 'em live yet, but my friend Andy swears by 'em. And so should you.
MP3: Royal City - "Is This It" - Interesting rendering using would-be Americana licks and Prince Bonnie Billy-style melancholy. At least you can make out the lyrics a little better than the original. See if you can figure it out.
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