In short, it's a good read with lots of details on growing up in England, his family's Irish ancestry and about all the dirt on the Sex Pistols that one could hope for. I really enjoyed Lydon's message of being true to oneself as well as his detailed account of the eight-year lawsuit he had to wage so that the members of the Pistols could get paid properly.
After reading this book, you couldn't ever diss the Sex Pistols as sellouts who got back together just to get a payday. It seems as if they barely got any paydays back in the day at all! I mean $10 a day as money on their U.S. tour? I think Black Flag got just as much!
I miss seeing John Lydon on TV and hearing him on the radio. I thought his show "Rotten TV" was awesome, despite the fact that I only caught one episode. And I wish there were some way to hear all his old shows for the defunct, which had a surprising amount of good content.
MP3: Public Image Limited - Order of Death (Blair Witch Mix)
Here's a unique mix of Public Image Limited's 'Order of Death' featuring dialogue from the Blair Witch Project film mixed into the track. It was released to promote the album soundtrack, Blair Witch Project: Josh's Blair Witch Mix, (which incidentally features only the normal album version). Like all tracks on the soundtrack the 'Order of Death' does NOT actually feature in the movie! Apparently, the soundtrack is music inspired by the film...
You can grab more PIL and John Lydon MP3s at:
John Lydon's Army of One
Real Audio: Sex Pistols interview on KSAN-FM on the eve of their final show in San Francisco (starts at 8:10).
Here's a great interview with the Pistols live on the air on KSAN-FM. It's hard to figure out which is stupider, the band's insults or the dumbass callers. Too bad it's censored. Bleeps and all, it's priceless, mate!
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