I have to plead near total ignorance about the whole Vietnam War. I can't even remembering studying it in high school, and even if it was covered (which I'm sure it was), history just wasn't of any interest to me.
If anything, the Academy Award winning documentary puts a human face to the people of Vietnam and reveals many of the USA's ignorant beliefs about the people they slaughtered, often referred to as gooks.
This film will make you embarassed to be an American and ashamed of the mistakes our government made. You'll also see some parallels between Vietnam and Iraq.
I finally bought my very first record by the Fall
The CDs are well-anotated and is a good starting place for any would be punker who is just discovering the Fall (25 years after the fact.)
Just now discovering Ali G
I'm finally making use of HBO On Demand and catching up with what the rest of the world already knows ...
Da Ali G Show is wickedly funny.
I think I like Borat the best. It's all good stuff.
Booyakasha! Who is Ali G?
Ali G movies
Cool things I heard on NPR yesterday
I got a laugh from Lewis Black's analysis of the Democratic Convention on Talk of the Nation
Sen. Robert Byrd's interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air shed some light on how out of control the current president is
Irrelevant personal commentary
That's about it for today. Kind of feeling blah. It's been rainy and rather dreary outside.
I went to BJ's Wholesale Club to stock up on bottled water and sodas and got caught in a downpour of rain. Only upside was someone left a case of Poland Spring water under their cart because they were in a hurry to get out of the rain. So I did get some free water out of the deal ... but then again it WAS raining.
Hearts & Minds is on my short list.
I second what you wrote about learning about Vietnam. I was there (high school) too & I've been saying this more a long time: my education blew. Science, math, languages - awesome. History & social studies - sorely lacking.
p.s. Joe Biden is likely for Kerry's cabinet.
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