Kitty at phillyBurbs office

Kitty at phillyBurbs office
Originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

Kelly marvels at Jonas Brothers on the cover of People

Kelly marvels at Jonas Brothers on the cover of People
Originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

GAFNE Doggie Wash pics

Kelly and I volunteered at last week's Greyhound Adoptions of Florida Northeast Chapter's (GAFNE) Doggie Wash.

We washed a LOT of dogs and helped raise over $1,100 to help feed, foster and find homes for retired racing greyhounds

GAFNE Doggie Wash June 14, 2008 photos

See all of my greyhound pics

Aw, it's Augie

Aw, it's Augie
Originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

Maui doesn't like Vanity Fair magazine

Maui doesn't like Vanity Fair magazine
Originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

At play

At play
Originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

Maui vs. Cat-o-pus

Maui vs. Cat-o-pus
Originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

Found this toy for $1.00 at garage sale. Maui loves it.

Maui telling me it's time to wake up

Maui telling me it's time to wake up
Originally uploaded by letitbe2000.


Originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

Our neighbor's dog

The Maui stare

The Maui stare
Originally uploaded by letitbe2000.