Jazzy Jazz

Jazzy Jazz, originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

I love this record: The Tanks - "Keep Breaking Down"

Read about The Tanks in MRR and it sounded right up my alley.

This Iowa-based trio makes loud and obnoxious rock that is reminiscent of AmRep-style sludge and the powerful pummel of Karp, Hammerhead and Unwound.

The Tanks also remind me of the unbridled rawk ethic of Last of the Juanitas, Federation X and the Wantage USA label.

It's refreshing to hear bands keeping up the tradition of '90s style wailing and who rock boldly and without apology.

Get the LP + CD from Scenester Credentials

The Tanks on MySpace

I am pre-ordering this: Sonic Youth - Sensational Fix

Sonic Youth: Sensational Fix

New Elliott Smith unreleased tracks surface

I'm pretty sure this is a *new* set of demos and not part of the previous "Basement II" demos that leaked a few years back.

rawkblog.net - New Music: Elliott Smith - ‘I’ll Be Back’ (Beatles Cover)

The 17 demo tracks are tagged as "'Basement' Tapes Unfinished/Suppressed"

Included is a studio version of The Beatles' "I'll Be Back," which I hadn't previously heard.


Maui, originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

Playing Scrabble against Kelly and Maui

Pissed off Maui wearing skull cap


Augie., originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

Maui and Kitty sweethearts

Maui and Kitty sweethearts, originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

Jazz remixed

Jazz remixed, originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

Original picture from 2002.

Remixed via picnik.com.

Jazz and Augie love dog park

Jazz and Augie love dog park, originally uploaded by letitbe2000.

McG's Farmer's Market find of the day

Slovenly LP on SST, 1987.

Mia Zapata killer's sentence reimposed, will serve 37 year sentence

From Pitchfork: In 2004, a jury convicted Jesus Mezquia of killing The Gits lead singer Mia Zapata. A judge sentenced him to 37 years in prison.

In 2005, his sentence was thrown out due to a U.S. Supreme Court decision.

According to the Post-Intelligencer Mezquia returned to court last Thursday and asked the judge who originally sentenced him to reimpose his sentence.

His attorneys gave no reason for Mezquia's request, but he'll finally serve his 37 years.

The Gits movie trailer:

Maui watching Puppy Bowl V

He wanted to be in the game so badly ...

Yorkie Poo barks at Puppy Bowl V from Dave McG on Vimeo.