Taylor is a punk rocker

I haven't updated this site in a while and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

It's primarily due to the fact that one of my other sites is taking up a majority of my publishing time.

I miss chatting about all the stupid crap I've been up to lately here.

Speaking of stupid crap, I wanted to bring you up-to-date on what my pal Taylor Roark is up to.

First, he celebrated his wedding last month in France. He got married a year previously, but just now got around to having a big party and ceremony. His wife is a cool chick. Her name is Christal, but I may have the spelling wrong on that.

Anyway, Taylor had the party in some remote French castle or some such nonsense. Then for a honeymoon, he spent two and a half weeks in the UK attending alternative lifestyle classes.

If you know Taylor, you know he's alternative enough. He's been a bus driver and a Wall Street Lawyer as well as a part-time blacksmith. Anyway, Taylor took classes on permaculture as taught by Penny Rimbaud, the drummer of Crass.

Only Taylor would spend his honeymoon with one of the dudes from Crass.

I feel obligated to keep the world informed about Taylor. He is easily one of the most interesting and complex people I know. Plus he likes Devo, which is a big plus in my book.

I keep urging Taylor to take up blogging and create his own spin on the world. He's got some cool field recordings of Tibetan forests and all kinds of weird shit he recorded on mini-disc while tripping his brains out on mushrooms in Uzbekistan.

Or something like that.

Anyway, this one's for you Taylor. Thanks for keeping it real all these years.